Thursday, December 26, 2019

Psy/230 Personal Narrative Essay - 803 Words

Final Project Personal Narrative PSY/230 September 23, 2012 Rehema Underwood Final Project Personal Narrative I would have to say looing back over the last five years my life has developed in to exactly what I have always wanted it to be. After going through a nasty divorce about eight years ago I went on a path of self destruction. I started drinking heavily and using drugs and a way to numb the pain I was going through. Finally after doing a few things that I’m really not proud of I had a wake up call. I got in to some legal trouble which opened my eyes to all the things I may have lost if I continued living my life that way. I then decided it was time to make some changes, I went back to school and obtained my G.E.D. and then†¦show more content†¦My parents sat me down and went over with me again the family values that they wanted to instill in my sibling and myself. They brought back our religious beliefs that we have also grown up with and we may not chose to live our life by all the ways of the Catholic faith but to live a humble and honest life is what my parents have wanted for us. I do feel that even though I may not go to church every Sunday, I do believe in the ways of the lord now. I have asked for forgiveness and try to make sure that I live the type of life that makes god and my family proud of me. I can truly say I would not change any choices or experiences that I have had in my life. I take every experience as a learning experiences and I do believe each and every one has made me the person I am today. When I got my divorce although the single life started out rocky I did find my independence again. I took the time to find out all things I wanted out of life and how I was not settling for anything less. They choices I made during this time made me value family a whole lot more. It brought me closer to my Children and made me appreciate them more also. My life experiences have taught me who I want to become and how I plan on getting there. Going back to college at the age of 39 as scary as it was has been on of the greatest experiences that I have done. I know that I am one step closer in becoming a sexual assault support counselor and making a positive difference inShow MoreRelatedPsy230 Final1203 Words   |  5 PagesPersonal Narrative Michelle Yates PSY 230 February 9, 2014 Aaron Thompson, MRC,  CRC, LVRC, CPM In 1979 Douglas Adams wrote in his book, The Hitchhikers’ Guide to the Universe, â€Å"The answer to life, the universe and everything, is 42† (Adams 1979). Of course we all know that the answers do not come quite so easily. Really, forget the answer; the question is what the meaning ofRead MoreMetamorphoses Within Frankenstein14861 Words   |  60 Pagesof ‘the vitalist deb ate’ over the years of the novel’s intellectual gestation, concentrating on the Shelleys’ r elationship w ith on e of its more articu late p articipants, William Lawren ce, and showing how the v ery language of th is of ten personal and 18 alw ays political deb ate enters the novel. One th ing th at beco mes incr easingly appar ent the closer th at scholar ship brings us to Regency Britain, especially to the h ybrid ‘scien ce’ of medical pr actice and its day to d ay, ofRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagesstarted. CONTENTS A Note on the Translation by Bertrand Augst, ix Preface, xi A Note on Terminology, xiii I Phenomenological Approaches to Film Chapter I. On the Impression of Reality in the Cinema, 3 Chapter 2. Notes Toward a Phenomenology of the Narrative, 16 II Problems of Film Semiotics Chapter 3. Chapter 4. Chapter 5. The Cinema: Language or Language System? 31 Some Points in the Semiotics of the Cinema, 92 Problems of Denotation in the Fiction Film, 108 III Syntagmatic Analysis of the Image

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Crucible By John Proctor - 849 Words

The Crucible Analysis: Is John Proctor a tragic hero based on Aristotle`s definition of a tragic hero An array of Aristotelian tragic heroes can be found throughout American literature. One of which includes John Proctor, main character farmer in mid-30s, from Arthur Miller s play, The Crucible. Yet, in order for him to obtain such a title he must possess specific characteristics. Five of which include possession of hubris, a flaw or decision leading to desire for revenge, a reversal of good fortune brought forth by the error of judgement, acceptance of poor fortune brought forth by their actions, and lastly the fate dealt to these characters must be greater than deserved. Aristotle once said that â€Å" A man doesn t become a hero until he can see the root of his own downfall.† Before the play even begins John Proctor has already conducted adultery, a fatal flaw in judgement, with Abigail Williams, a sneaky seventeen year old. This crucial crescendo leads to the development of the Salem Witch trials and the downward spiral of John`s comfortable lifestyle. Proctor produces a s elf-inflicted wound, which, only enlarges as Abigail’s jealousy of his wife, Elizabeth, increases. After Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor s wife, is taken away by Cheever, the lawman, Proctor has a revelation, which entails, exposing Abigail`s lies with Mary Warren’s testimony. But when Abigail’s and her posse accuse Mary Warren of witchery he soon comprehends that a confession of his adulterous waysShow MoreRelatedThe Crucible By John Proctor968 Words   |  4 Pagescharacters in The crucible and show how Miller presents the motivations for their actions. Think about: Reputation- is this a motivating factor for any of the characters Power – Which characters are motivated by power Witchcraft – how are the accusations used? Who benefits? How? The individual and the society – how might the particular community situation in Salem be a motivating factor for some characters? 800 – 1250 words The theme of the crucible is a tragedy. In the crucible characters are motivatedRead MoreThe Crucible By John Proctor895 Words   |  4 PagesJohn Proctor, a prominent individual in both the Salem Witch Trials and The Crucible, was tried and executed for witchcraft in 1692. When the witchcraft hysteria first began in Salem village in the winter of 1692, Proctor became an outspoken opponent of the trials and stated to many that the afflicted girls, who had been accusing many of the villagers of witchcraft, were frauds and liars (Brooks). There were many parallels between John Proctor and his character in The Crucible, including his vocalRead MoreThe Crucible By John Proctor1091 Words   |  5 PagesJohn Proctor, a character in Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, was hung for â€Å"witchcraft.† Owen Lattimore’s, a former editor for the Institute of Pacific Relations Journal, reputation was tarnished after falsely being accused by Joseph McCarthy of being the number one spy for the Soviets. David Kato, a Ugandan gay rights campaigner, was beaten to death on January 26, 2011. These are just three examples of how witch hunts ruined and ended lives. Throughout history, many people have been persecutedRead MoreThe Crucible By John Proctor1134 Words   |  5 PagesIn The Crucible, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, and Elizabeth Proctor are arguably the most important characters. The affair between Abigail and John drives the plot of the play. Abigail begins accusing societal outcasts as witches and gradually works her way up the social ladder until she is able to accuse an upstanding citizen like Elizabeth Proctor of being a witch and having people believe the accusation. She accused Elizabeth of being a witch so that Elizabeth would be hanged. Then, AbigailRead MoreJohn Proctor In The Crucible Essay783 Words   |  4 PagesIn â€Å"The Crucible,† a play by Arthur Miller about the Salem Witch Trials, we are shown the roles and fates of various characters, one of which is the far mer John Proctor. Throughout the play, John Proctor is shown to be an honest albeit hotheaded and stubborn man as he crusades to disprove the claims of witchcraft against his wife and other townsfolk. John Proctor best shows his honesty within â€Å"The Crucible† when he repeatedly admits to both his wife, Elizabeth Proctor, and the court about his relationsRead MoreExamples Of John Proctor In The Crucible712 Words   |  3 Pages The Crucible John Proctor shows himself to be a very powerful and charismatic person right. From the time he first appears in Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, he is presented as an intelligent, sharp-tongued man with a strong independent mind. These traits would seem to make him a good person to question the motives of those who cry witchcraft. However, his guilt over his affair with Abigail makes his position problematic because he is guilty of the very hypocrisy that he despises in others.Read MoreExamples Of John Proctor In The Crucible985 Words   |  4 Pages John Proctor; Tragic Hero or Ordinary Joe Plays have been used as a method of storytelling and form of entertainment for hundreds of years. A tragedy is one type of play where the audience pities the characters and fear the same consequences that the characters face. In addition, tragedies often include a tragic hero who has a tragic flaw causing his or her downfall. One example of a play that is a tragedy and includes a tragic hero is the The Crucible. John Proctor in The Crucible is a true tragicRead MoreThe Role Of John Proctor In The Crucible1242 Words   |  5 PagesMiller Arthur’s play â€Å"The Crucible† takes place in Salem, the event of this play is about the witch trials. These witch trials had many different reactions and results, it influenced people in many different ways. The trials broke the whole village into different sides of their view of the trials, people get accused of being a witch or studying/practicing witchcraft and their trial could come with many different consequences. The trial would either lock up or hang those who are accusedRead MoreThe Importance Of Common Core Standards1114 Words   |  5 Pagessituation. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible; the character of John Proctor is an honorable man despite having committed wrongful acts. He was able to redeem himself through acts that is considered courageous, such as when he refuses to contribute to the lie of witchcraft in Salem, when he fights for the people who were convicted of witchcraft and when he regrets being a dishonest man. John Proctor showed his good nature many times throughout the play. In the last act, John Proctor refused to confess to theRead MoreThe Importance Of Common Core Standards1114 Words   |  5 Pagessituation. In Arthur Miller’s The Crucible; the character of John Proctor is an honorable man despite having committed wrongful acts. He was able to redeem himself through acts that is considered courageous, such as when he refuses to contribute to the lie of witchcraft in Salem, when he fights for the people who were convicted of witchcraft and when he regrets being a dishonest man. John Proctor showed his good nature many times throughout the play. In the last act, John Proctor refused to confess to the

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Feelings through Flippancy Arts Deceptive Imitation of Life Essay Example For Students

Feelings through Flippancy Arts Deceptive Imitation of Life Essay Surrounded by scandal caused by his own deception, Oscar Wilde left this world with a legacy of often misunderstood wit, a brilliant collection of writing, and sordid tales of an extramarital homosexual affair. The playwright progressed from a fashionable, flippant fop immersed in London society to a man broken by the public discovery of his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas. In his prime, Oscar Wilde was a social butterfly, admired and accepted by an artistic circle until his illicit affair became public; throughout his plays, he mocked the same London society with which he himself was quite involved. Within these plays, Oscar Wilde frequently created a character to represent himself, usually a witty, slightly devious dandy who could be a direct voice for the playwright. In An Ideal Husband, the characteristically clever Lord Goring cloaked wisdom in triviality, much like Wilde himself; in The Importance of Being Earnest, the deceitful but good-hearted Algernon embodied many of the qualities of his creator. In each of these plays, struggles within Wildes life often surfaced within the plot and dialogue. At the time they were written, the frenzied affair between Douglas and Wilde was at an apex, and the issues surrounding the situationmarital problems, conflicts with the government, and deceptionpermeated the works. The concept of deception woven throughout Oscar Wildes plays An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest both reflected and drew inspiration from the artifice within his own life. Within An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest, deception pervaded the formation of both plot and characters. Wildes self-referential Lord Goring flirted frequently with the concept of deception, though he is not the instigator of the concealment and craftiness around which the plot revolves. One critic related Goring to the essential schizophrenia of his creator: careless wit and moral arbiter at one and the same time (Stokes 163). Goring first explained to Sir Robert Chiltern, the main character who stood to lose everything in the exposure of a long-kept secret, that he must begin by telling wife the whole story (Wilde 58), but soon afterwards Goring proclaimed, the truth is a thing I get rid of as soon as possible! (Wilde 63). Lord Goring deliberately tempt Lady Chiltern into sin (Eltis 161), but his character did not create the intrigue that necessitated Gorings temptation of Lady Chiltern in order to preserve the Chilterns marriage. In contrast, The Importance of Being Earnests Algernon, while not technically the central character, was essential to the plot through his lies. Algernons imaginary invalid, Bunbury, created an excuse for him to pursue Cecily, and his appearance as Jacks imaginary brother Ernest perpetuated the confusion of the story. Algernon deceived nearly everyone in the play, with the exception of Jack; the two men were close, without many secrets, and had several things in common, most noticeably their commitment to deception (Raby 60). Algernons careless lying left no damage in the end of The Importance of Being Earnest, just as Lord Gorings deception was for the best; in Wildes life, his deception was not so fortunate. Algernon and Lord Goring represented the playwright himself and showed his wishful thinking in the happy outcomes of their deceit. While Lord Goring and Algernon both displayed many aspects of the deception Wilde emphasized in An Ideal Husband, the other characters symbolized, alluded to, and predicted much of Wildes struggles in his personal life. In An Ideal Husband, the serious threat to Robert Chilterns reputation loomed as menacingly as the serious threat to Wildes reputation if his homosexual relationship were to be found out. Wilde also within the play alluded to events that occurred during the run on stage; at one point, Lord Goring commented, Oh, why will parents always appear at the wrong time? (Wilde 90). This question became ironic upon the appearance of Douglas father within Wildes life; QueensburyDouglas fatherwrote an abusive letter to his son explicitly denouncing his relationship with Wilde, threatened to make outlandish scenes that implicated Wilde as a sodomite (Beckson 298), and left Wilde bankrupt from court costs from his lengthy, painful trials (Holland 159). Franchisingfuture1 EssayWildes deception of society was necessary; discovery of his relationship with Lord Alfred Douglas would and did mean imprisonment as well as major tarnish on his reputation. Wilde also hid his true emotions and often his intentions from the people, writing plays that were capricious, deceptive, and deliberately intriguing (Eltis 132). Again, like Robert Chiltern, Wilde feared for his reputation, but instead of covering up the past at all costs like his character, the playwright wrote plays exploring deception and romantic relationships that helped him to express that fear. As Stokes put it, the final lesson to be drawn from these recent productions, appropriately paradoxical, is that the plays are, more than ever, inseparable from their authors experience, and depend greatly on our seeing that to be the case (180). Both An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest drew their inspiration from the fear within Wildes personal life, and beyond the clever dialogue lay a reflection of Wildes emotions regarding his uncertain position. The similarities between Wildes art and his life did, however, have a limit; in Oscar Wildes deception plays, a neat and happy conclusion left every character contented. Sir Robert Chiltern maintained the facade of honesty without compromising his newfound morals, his wife renewed her faith in and love for him, and Lord Goring ended up engaged to his love, Mabel Chiltern. Jack got his Gwendolyn, Algernon got his Cecily, and all were pleased. The deception earlier in the play was forgotten and left behind in the race for communal happiness. These unrealistic endings appeared to be Wildes wishful thinking as much as an attempt to make the audience question our affinity for the deceivers. While the deceiver went unpunished, somehow we felt that justice had been served. Wilde set the plays up to make the audience empathize with Sir Robert Chilterncheckered past and alland with Algernon and his imaginary companion Bunbury. The overly simplistic endings could not have been merely Wildes attempt to force the audience to question that empathy, however; the unpunished deceit seemed to be a wish for his own painless redemption. Unfortunately for the playwright, the resolution of deception was not so easily obtained in his personal life. Wilde, with his excesses and love affair exposed and prison sentence served, died poor and estranged from his wife and children (Holland 175-187). The happy endings he wrote for his plays were unrealistic not only as literature but also in his own enactment of the deception theme. Oscar Wildes plays frequently consisted of social criticisms and parodies; these imitations of life were joined by the theme of deception he drew from his more personal life. Wildes art was often quite accurate in its imitation of life, and through this imitation Wilde voiced his opinion. The critical eye that summed up the absurdity of London society also searched inward to express the fear and hope that abounded from Wildes experience with deception. An Ideal Husband and The Importance of Being Earnest were not by any means exact accounts of Wildes life; to the contrary, the shared theme and attitude were the aspects of life that Oscar Wilde used to express his situation, as opposed to imitation through shared events and outcomes. Art imitated his life in a much more subtle way, as would be appropriate for the clever playwright. The self-referential characters and related plots were a large support for the interpretation of Wildes emotions through his plays, but the subtler use of self-referential attitudes and related themes was the true voice of Wildes inner self. Perhaps every work of art chooses some way to expressand therefore imitate, in some fashionthe life of the artist, just as Wilde imitated himself in his deceptive art.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Management of theories of success, leadership and communication Essay Example

Management of theories of success, leadership and communication Essay Introduction: Effective SUCCESS, LEADERSHIP and COMMUNICATION is indispensable for an administration to work efficient and reach their mark goals.Organistion is made up of many system that may impact and act upon each other such as constabularies, single actions, bing methods and external restraints Success in an administration depends on single and how members work in close coordination and harmoniousness. So, in an administration a clear success, leading and communicating schemes should be fulfilling to heighten the participant s skill degree, productiveness, and clip direction. Leadership development for public sector directors has developed in the past two decennaries, across the united male monarch and planetary administration. ( Pederson A ; Hartley, 2008 ) . Manager s capableness to act upon administration participant through leading will help to make up ones mind the extent both them as a whole achieve their end ( Hicks A ; esophagus, 1981 ) . The most of import facets of leading are m ission, passion, vision, leader, compassion, inspiration, motive and committedness. A good leader in an administration should cognize when a given map is necessary ( Adair, 2009 ) . Effective Communication helps to demo public presentation feedback, act uponing others, handle people s angry and to run into up with emotional undertones of preservations in an administration. Communicating to an angry person is major job of houses and directors face in an administration. ( Gordon, 2004 ) However, this critical reappraisal discussed the direction of theories of success, leading and communicating in an administration. Furthermore, illustrates the critical reappraisal of Alan Sugar s sentiments of success, leading, communicating in an administration. It besides helps to exemplify better methods to manage success, leading, and communicating in an administration and direction facet. MANAGEMENT Theory: SUCCESS, LEADERSHIP AND COMMUNCATION 1: Success: From administration point of position success can be analysis in four keys to success: Theory, Implementation, Evaluation, Resource/System support. These four keys of success can assist give inside informations why policies and plans may or may non carry through the proposed consequences in an administration. Theory: This is indispensable in order to cognize how to manage job in an administration ( Anderson, 2005 ) .According to Anderson, A Theory of Change ( TOC ) is an instrument to enable develop solution to complex societal jobs in an administration. The TOC give inside informations how group of early and intermediate articulates system which will happen and place the ways connected to accomplishing the coveted long-run alteration in administration. Besides Theory of failure arises when a plan depend on an invalid theory of operation and when the scheme fail to run into up the administration certain end. ( Wandersman et al. , 2005 ) We will write a custom essay sample on Management of theories of success, leadership and communication specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Management of theories of success, leadership and communication specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Management of theories of success, leadership and communication specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Execution: Agreement to ( Fixsen et al. , 2005 P.5 ) is known as specified set of designed to set into pattern an activity or plan of known dimensions . Through execution system are purposeful and enforced activity helps autonomous squad to observe its presence and strength in an administration. The value of execution is indispensable carry throughing good success consequence. ( Durlak and Dupre 2008 ) .Also implementation failure of success is due to miss of unequal preparation, inexperient forces and deficiency of resorts. ( Dalton et al. , 2007 ) Evaluation: Harmonizing to ( Rossi et al 2004 ) describes rating as societal scientific discipline activity trades to construing, analysing and pass oning information with respects to workings and effectiveness programmes of success in administration. Through rating determinations can carryout to enable continuity, spread outing and betterment lead to success. Evaluation helps for effectual direction, disposal and answerability in an administration. Besides Evaluation failure of success it is hard to mensurate sensitive alteration and existent consequence due to hapless designed and hapless comparing group. ( Wanderman et al. , 2005 ) . RESOURCE/SYSTEM SUPPORT: Modernization in administration involves system support. However, quality host is indispensable to implement programme and scheme. System support trades with proficient aid and preparation that lead to success in administration. Resources trades with successfully execution of proficient resources, financial resources, and human resources. ( Wanderman et al.,2000 ) . Besides, System failure of success is due to absence of institutional support for an engagement while resources failure is due to deficient installations, deficiency of fund and deficiency of human resources to implement quality policy in administration. ( Sarason, 1982 ) LEADERSHIP THEORIES: Leadership is one the most indispensable facet of direction work and of import for effectual direction in an administration. Besides leaders and directors helps people to make their purposes with the maximal application of its possible. ( Dixon, 1991, p60-61 ) Leaders in an administration are faced with certain challenges in leading manners and managerial accomplishments. Leadership is characteristic can be develop and pattern. Harmonizing to ( Hicks A ; esophagus 1981 ) all theory of leading is non surely as correct but it is obvious that eventuality theories are the chiefly capable. Leadership is about mission and vision of leaders. Different theories of leading are: Great MEN THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: This is the early phase theory of 19th century by Thomas Carlyle a Scottish. The theory is based on the legendary leaders have to born non made. The theory describes leaders as dandy and they were born with leading qualities. Besides the theory based that great leaders can originate when there is enormous demand. ( Bolden et al. , 2003 ) . CONTINGENCY THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: Fiedler s Contingency theoretical account presumes that single public presentation depends on the technique of leading in footings of undertaking motive and relationship motive. ( Fiedler 1964 ) .Among all the theories, eventuality theory is the lone theory that centred its construct on peculiar variable related to the environment and has important significance. Besides the theory focuses on situational variables that forecast effectual leading manner to suit particular job in an administration. ( Bolden et al. , 2003 ) . DEMOCRATIC THEORY LEADERSHIP: This is the type of leading that incorporate the members of the administration in determination devising and every bit good suggestion. This type leading tend to promote members dedication to the determinations and heighten the quality of determination in an administration ( Hicks A ; esophagus 1981 ) TRANSFORMATIONAL THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: This theory focuses on the relationship between the leader and followings and may besides alter leader in the moral agent. In this leading manner, the follower and the leader are changed for the better. This motivates and promote persons and assist the group to execute accurate when is used by the leaders. Transformational leading is non based merely on power or authorization, even though dissension and power has a function to play in the kineticss of leading ( Burns, 1978 ) . SITUATIONAL THEORY OF LEADERSHIP: This is system where direction take a peculiar leading that match a peculiar state of affairs in an administration. ( Hersey A ; Blanchard 1988 ) situational leading recommend that leaders should alter their manners of leading based the adulthood of the person they are taking and facets of undertaking. The theory is more normative and trades with intuitive entreaty. ( As cited by Shackleton, 1995 ) COMMUNICATION THEORIES: Communication theory is sample procedure that should work easy and expeditiously and required to explicate the message clearly ; utilizing right medium that will supply easy feedback the information ( chlson et al. , 2005 p207 ) .Communication is really indispensable component of direction. Exclusive of communicating directors perchance will non carry through their assorted undertakings in an administration. Communication trades with an exchange of information system and thoughts in an administration with the environment. Successful communicating inside houses is really necessary and helps to link other parts of direction procedure. Through communications directors can transport out their other functions of commanding, planning and organizing ( Dixon, 1991p84-88 ) . Anita cited ( undertaking direction institute criterions committee,1996, p103 ) stated that undertaking communicating direction trades with the process to guarantee seasonably, storage, aggregation , airing, and important deposition of undertaking information. Under the theory of communicating there is intrapersonal and interpersonal communicating. Harmonizing to ( Dainton A ; Zelley, 2005 ) describes intrapersonal communicating as communicating within one s ego, it deals with how persons analyze others attitudes, behavior and messages to delegate intending to a given event. ( Millar 1978 ) defined interpersonal communicating, as communicating between two persons when they are close in propinquity, able to accomplish immediate feedback and utilize multiple senses cited by ( Dainton A ; Zelley, 2005 ) UNCERTAINTY REDUCTION THEORY OF COMMUNICATION: Harmonizing to ( Dainton A ; Zelley, 2005 ) cited Berger and Calabrese stated that uncertainness decrease theory explain and predict when, why and how single usage communicating to minimise their uncertainties when interacting with one another. This is guided by three rules that states that ( a ) retain that the primary end of communicating is to minimise uncertainnesss that persons have about the universe and dwellers ( B ) the suggest that persons acknowledge uncertainness invariably and the acknowledge of uncertainness is an unpleasant 1. ( degree Celsius ) recommend communicating as the primary medium for cut downing uncertainness. This type of communicating belongs to intrapersonal communicating. EXPECTANCY VIOLATION THEORY: Harmonizing to ( Dainton A ; Zelley, 2005 ) cited Burgoon stated that anticipation misdemeanor theory describes persons attribute to the misdemeanor of personal infinite and besides gestural of misdemeanors of physical infinite. Expectancy deals with people expectancy of what will go on on peculiar state of affairs and based on thought of societal norms. This type of communicating theory belongs to intrapersonal communicating. POLITENESS THEORY OF COMMUNICATION: Harmonizing to ( Dainton A ; zelley, 2005 ) cited Brown and Levinson stated that niceness theory simplifies how we pull off our ain and other persons individualities through interaction, by using niceness schemes. This theory determines WHY, WHEN and how interpersonal interaction is constructed through or from absence of niceness. This type of communicating belongs to interpersonal communicating. SOCIAL EXCHANGE THEORY OF COMMUNICATION: Harmonizing to ( Dainton A ; zelley, 2005 ) describes this theory as a wide attack used to explicate and foretell relationship care in an administration. This theory is invented by Thibaut A ; Kelly 1959.Social Exchange Theory simplifies when and why persons constant develop some personal relationships while stoping others. With respects to the name of theory suggests, an exchange attack to societal relationships is much like an economic system based on the comparing of costs and wagess. This theory belongs to interpersonal theory of communicating. SOCIAL PENETRATION THEORY OF COMMUNICATION: Harmonizing to ( Stolar, 2002 ) describes the theory as communicating procedure of accomplishing greater grades of intimacy or familiarity with another person. This theory increases understanding of why and how some relationships become close and other relationships do non. This theory was invented by Irwin Altman and Dalmas Taylor in 1973.This is really significance theory to research on because it gives inside informations why people form the intimate relationships that the bash and why and how this procedure occurs over clip. This theory belongs to interpersonal communicating theory. RELATIONAL DIALECTICS THEORY OF COMMUNICATION: Harmonizing to ( Montgomery A ; Baxter 1996 ) describes relational dialectics theory as form of believing about human relationships that is extremely influenced by dialogic thought. From the point of position of relational dialectics theory, a societal life exists in and through people s communicative patterns, by which single gives voice to multiple opposing inclinations. ( baxter A ; Montgomery 1996 ) . This belongs to interpersonal communicating theory. 1: ( a ) CRITICAL REVIEW ON ALAN SUGAR S OPINIONS ON SUCCESS From Sir Alan Sugar, secrets of success he reviews success as a support on traveling procedure and the understanding towards your failings and strengths, instead than being defensive about them. Besides he said, the love of what you are making is the key to success and recommends continuity in larning what you do, even when the traveling is tough. He acknowledged difficult work and hungriness as indispensable to success. Besides focuses on flexibleness and continuity as cardinal to success. Finally, he mentioned willingness to larn, stamina, self-belief and enthusiasm as manner of accomplishing his success in administration. From my ain point of position, in term of flexibleness in concern, during early yearss he engaged in many concerns such as doing ginger beer, selling to neighbors and concern of under developed camera movies, selling to school friends. He was the president of the Computer Company and major in Tottenham Hotspur Football nine. Harmonizing to ( Upton, 1994 ) flexi bleness is the capableness to alter or respond with little punishment in clip, public presentation or attempt cost. Besides that, ( Mensah, 1989 ) describes flexibleness as capableness to react and accommodate to altering concern status within and outside administration. So Sir Alan sugar was the laminitis Amstrad that stand as Alan Michael trading and subsequently grown to international consumer electronics, telecommunications and Computer Empire. He pointed out stiff attack as a job to concern and urge flexibleness as the best with respects to workplace success. Furthermore, difficult work and hungriness was the key to secrets of success of Sir Alan because he refuse to give up, no affair how difficult things are. From my apprehension, dedication and doggedness are really indispensable to administration. Most the successful concern work forces have internal venue of control and difficult work and thoughts. Then, he commented on willingness to larn, this deals with attempt and want toward your end. Based on his position on enthusiasm, harmonizing to ( Koch,1994 ) stated that the most successful persons in concern are non the most intelligent and success is all about finding, motivated and enthusiastic for cause. So enthusiasm is linked to his success. Finally, He besides illustrated self -belief and staying power as indispensable to success. CRITICAL REVIEW ON ALAN SUGAR S OPINIONS ON LEADERSHIP: This critical reappraisal shows Sir Alan Sugar political orientation of leading and shows the strengths and failings. Sir Alan describes leader as they tend born non made up and besides describes leading as holding personality and personal appeal qualities. Besides that, for effectual leading you need to be disciplined in self -management and you have to actuate others. However, the ability to deputation in workplace and have the qualities of inspiration. From my apprehension, I disagree with Sir Alan and Thomas ( laminitis of Great adult male theory of leading ) that said leaders are born non made. Harmonizing to ( Adair, 2009 ) quoted, Field Marshal Lord Slim There is no cipher who can non better their powers of leading by a small idea and pattern . The effectual degree of operation and stableness can alter persons to be a leader. Besides ( Adair,2009 ) quoted, that Field Marshal Montgomery, the other, great British born leader , was every bit positive that leading could be devel oped. Harmonizing to Adair, a immature lieutenant said that, by developing he increased his morale and powers to leader his platoon, and later his company. However, I believe that leading can be developed by preparation and besides some person have inherent aptitudes and qualities of leading than others. From Sir Alan Sugar critical reappraisal he said, that he is great truster in doing certain everyone knows what is traveling on and recognition is given when it is due. Judging from above he applied democratic theory of leading in his direction where the employees are involves in determination devising and every bit good suggestion. Harmonizing to ( Hicks A ; Gullet 1981 ) stated that democratic leading tend to promote members dedication to the determinations and heighten the quality of determination in an administration. ( Wilcken, 2010 ) cited ( rock A ; Patterson, 2005 ) transformational leading theory trades with advancement and development and suggest single to work together to make greater development of the administration. Furthermore, Sir Alan acknowledged deputation and motive as indispensable to his leading manner. To be good a leader, is critical to depute your program decently and actuate your staffs. Harmonizing to ( Fiedler, 1964 ) Contingency theory presumes that single public presentation depends on the technique of leading in footings of undertaking motive and relationship motive. Dixon ( 1993 ) cited Adair, stated that, there are variables in any work state of affairs such as undertaking demands, group demands and single demands. Obviously Sir Alan Sugar exercises his undertaking demands and group needs expeditiously to accomplish his concern dream. Harmonizing to ( Dixon,1993 ) deputation is the bosom of direction procedure. During Sir Alan yearss in the company, conveyance subdivision is taking most of his clip ; he decided to depute it to another person with respects to undertake most of import elements. Finally, harmonizing to ( Shackl eton,1995 ) stated that personal appeal is indispensable but non sufficient constituent of transformational leading. Most people like, film stars are magnetic but have no to transformational effects on bulk of follower CRITICAL REVIEW ON ALAN SUGAR S OPINIONS ON COMMUNCATION: Harmonizing to Sir Alan sugar point position on communicating, he describes communicating indispensable to good leader in a workplace. He farther, describes communicating to be concise, precise and to the point. Besides that, he focus on facial look and organic structure linguistic communication when base on balls communicating. He besides commented on, feedback and dialogue accomplishments during communicating. Besides through the usage of e-mails Sir Alan was able to pass on his staffs. Furthermore, observed continuity and self-belief and power of silence in dialogue during communicating. Harmonizing to Sir Alan Sugar, to pass on good is cardinal good if you are to be a good leader and rise to the in the administration. This means you must be able to pass on expeditiously and rapidly in an administration. ( Wilcken, 2010 ) cited David Collinson that stated relational dialectics theory of communicating, as dialectical position can ease new manner of believing about complex, switchi ng kineticss of leading ( p1422 ) .However, Sir Alan said, message demand to be concise, precise at the point and this applicable utilizing e-mail to convey information for concerns. Based on this point, harmonizing to ( Green, 2006 ) recent public dealingss communicating pattern focuses entirely information like characteristics, facts, brief, inside informations to the topic and information content in your message should play a encouraging function in your message, and the amount of the message. From above, uncertainness decrease theory of communicating trades with when, why, and how single usage communicating to minimise their uncertainties when interacting with one another ( Dainton A ; Zelley, 2005 ) cited Berger and Calabrese. Harmonizing to Alan sugar, is indispensable to be alert of your facial look and organic structure linguistic communications during acquiring the message across. However, the word communicating from Latin point of position communicare means to portion together . So communicating challenge begins with cognizing your audience demands and besides you need be receptive and sensitive to other person s organic structure linguistic communication. Besides you to be witting of signals and actions during conveying message to audience. Harmonizing to ( Green, 2006 ) as cited Albert mehrabian ( 1972 ) stated the 52 per cent of information about single from organic structure linguistic communication, while 35 per cent from their tone of voice and merely 7 per cent from the words they use. Beside, in term of feedback, communicating minutess are between peers and non peers, so is necessary to take of comparative position of spouses in the relationship and impacts on the communicating ( Green, 2006 ) .so, feedback played a good function to Sir Alan direction system. Then, dialogue accomplishment is necessary, through this method Sir Alan was able to get the better of jobs his company and mundane life. Decision: However, good direction depends upon good communicating and leading in an administration. So, many barriers prevent good communicating such as deficiency of lucidity in message, the different background of people and deficiency of openness to information and suggestions. The communicator should be cognizant of all these barriers and deduction of actions. Harmonizing to ( chelsom et al, 2005 p204 ) describes communicating as critical interaction of persons to group of people set abouting a assortment of activities and most peculiarly to seeking to organize their work towards a common aim. Besides, many the leading theories concentrate about entirely upon the leader and follower relationship and give small attending to sidelong and upward directed interaction. A choice leading is one the most indispensable factors on finding the success and endurance of groups and administrations. Leadership is about acknowledging a end and being to influence and actuate single towards achieving it. Fi nally, to ease success in an administration, there is demand to choose Numberss possible early successes and work on them to find the hereafter success. REFERENCE/ BIBLIOGRAPHY Adair J. ( 2009 ) Effective leading.London, Pan MacMillan Ltd. Nathan birnbaums, J. M. ( 1978 ) , Leadership, Harper and Row, New York, NY, . 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Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Negligent Training

Negligent Training Negligent training at the workplace is the demeanour that fails to comply with the law of safeguarding persons against harm. Generally, negligence is unintentional though the employer is held responsible for the tortuous encounters of workers. Usually, the company is assumed to have been negligent in equipping the workers with all the knowledge and skills necessary to provide a safe environment. In the court of law, the plaintiff must prove that his duty was breached and that he or she was hurt because of that breach.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Negligent Training specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More An example of negligence training was In Stacy v. Truman Medical Centre in 1992 (Barnes 2001). This consolidated appeal involved two unlawful deaths that were filed after a fire occurrence in room 327. Stephen Stacy and Dale Wheeler were the two patients who died because of the fire accident. As a result, Stephen’ s family filed a wrongful death suit against the medical centre and one of its nurses. Consequently, Wheeler’s family brought a related suit, and the two cases were then consolidated for investigation and trial. On that fateful day, Cheryl Stacy, Stacy’s sister had visited him. Cheryl found Stephen smoking a cigarette under the watchful eye of one of the nurses. Stephen was not supposed to walk around due to his head injuries. Cheryl had not been advised on Stephen’s smoking restriction while inside the room. Furthermore, they utilized a plastic soup tray to dispose tobacco ashes since no hospital staff offered to get them an approved ashtray. It was not long before a nurse came and held Stephen back with fastens to prevent him from falling off the chair. At that moment, Stephen received a lit cigarette from Cheryl and subsequently disposed it in the wastebasket instead of the soup tray. Shortly afterwards, a fire started out in the wastebasket and spread out. T he room was ill equipped since there was no smoke detector. When the nurse in charge noticed the fire, she assumed that Wheeler was not in an immediate danger, and so she decided to first untie Stacy from his chair before embarking on putting out the fire by suffocating it with a cotton sheet. When her attempts failed, she ran out and cried for help. Afterwards, she returned and tried to smother the fire. Because of the fire, the nurse in charge and other staff members grabbed Stacy by the legs and dragged him towards the hallway. During the process, Stacy’s restrains burnt up and he fell down from the chair to the floor. The nurse attempted to get back to the room, but she was barred by the extreme smoke, heat and flames. Later, the nurse and her colleague returned to the reception to ask for reinforcement while Wheeler remained in the room. A co-worker called Caminos got into the room with a fire extinguisher trying to save Wheeler. However, the extreme heat and smoke preve nted her from rescuing him. As a result, Wheeler died in the room from smoke related complications. Several weeks later, Stacy too died because of burns related complications.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The medical centre was obliged legally to train its nurses in the appropriate performance of their task. Despite the existence of the institution’s policy on evacuation upon a fire outbreak, the nurse on duty during the occurrence of this tragedy was not appropriately trained on the relevant procedures. Thus, the nurse’s breach of duty was related with the failure to remove the patient from the room. To reduce negligence training, as in this situation, I should conduct proper training to all staff members in our organisation. Through these trainings, staff members are enlightened on the policies and skills for a safe working environment. The risk management unit will be of great importance in developing appropriate policies and strategies for training staff on legal responsibility. Lastly, the department should conduct several seminars to educate the staff members on laws and important law decisions relevant to their jobs (Orrick 2008). References Barnes, A. M. (2001). Health care law desk reference. Philadelphia, PA: American Law Institute-American Bar Association, Committee on Continuing Professional Education. Orrick, W. D. (2008). Recruitment, retention, and turnover of police personnel: reliable, practical, and effective solutions. Springfield, Ill.: Charles C Thomas.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Syndetonâ€Definition and Examples

Syndetons Syndeton is a  rhetorical term for a sentence style in which words, phrases, or clauses are joined by conjunctions (usually and). A construction that uses many conjunctions is called polysyndetic. Examples and Observations At the marina, rain, and steam rising from the bay shrouded boats and birds, and made the few scurrying people indistinct.Blaize Clement, Raining Cat Sitters and Dogs. Minotaur Books, 2010I crawled back under the cover of the boat and huddled there, wet, cold and sobbing.Sam McKinney, Sailing Uphill. Touchwood, 2010The fine rain made a desolate, even sound like breathing in the pinewoods, and below, milky layers of mist covered the lake, and were stained here and there by the darkness of the water beneath.Elizabeth Bowen, Salon des DamesYou are talking to a man who has laughed in the face of death, sneered at doom, and chuckled at catastrophe.The Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, 1939Rain on all the silent streets and squares, alleys and courts, gardens and churchyards and stone steps and nooks and crannies of the city.Susan Hill, The Mist in the Mirror. Sinclair-Stevenson, 1992 Polysyndeton​​ He and Rawlins had unsaddled the horses and turned them out in the dark and they were lying on the saddle blankets and using the saddles for pillows. The night was cold and clear and the sparks rising from the fire raced hot and red among the stars. They could hear the trucks out on the highway and they could see the lights of the town reflected off the desert fifteen miles to the north.Cormac McCarthy, All the Pretty Horses. Alfred A. Knopf, 1992 Marking Coordination Coordination is usually but not invariably marked by one or more coordinators. Three patterns to be distinguished are shown in (6): (6) i SIMPLE SYNDETIC You need [celery, apples, walnuts, and grapes].(6) ii POLYSYNDETIC You need [celery and apples and walnuts and grapes].(6) iii ASYNDETIC You need [celery, apples, walnuts, grapes]. The major contrast is between syndetic coordination, which contains at least one coordinator, and asyndetic coordination, which does not. In constructions with more than two coordinates, there is a further contrast within syndetic coordination between the default simple syndetic, which has a single coordinator marking the final coordinate, and polysyndetic, where all non-initial coordinates are marked by a coordinator (which must be the same for all of them). The coordinator forms a constituent with the coordinator which follows: we refer to expressions like and grapes as an expanded coordinate, with grapes itself a bare coordinate.Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey K. Pullum, Coordination and Subordination. The Handbook of English Linguistics, ed. by Bas Aarts and April M. S. McMahon. Blackwell, 2006

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Nuisance Case Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nuisance Case Law - Essay Example Winfield and Jolowize define private nuisance as an 'unlawful interference with a person's use or enjoyment of land, or some right over, or in connection, with it'. Lord Lloyd in Hunter v Canary Wharf1 stated that private nuisances are of three kinds. They are (1) nuisance by encroachment on a neighbour's land; (2) nuisance by direct physical injury to a neighbour's land; and (3) nuisance by interference with a neighbour's quiet enjoyment of his land. In Malone v Laskey 2 it was held that only a person who has a proprietary interest in the land affected by the nuisance can sue, for example, owner or reversioner, or be in exclusive possession or occupation of it as tenant or under a licence to occupy. Any person who creates the nuisance can be sued, whether or not that person is the occupier of the land at the time of the action. Public nuisance, in contrast, is both a crime and trot. It is defined by Romer L.J in Attorney-General v P.Y.A. Quarries Ltd 3 'any nuisance is "public" which materially affects the reasonable comfort and convenience of life of a class of Her Majesty's Subjects." However, now it needs to discuss about Statutory Nuisance. ... The first method is to require certain trades (referred to as 'offensive trades, and described in Acts of Parliament or local by laws) to be licensed in advance by the local authority. S.107 (1) of the Public Health Act 1936 provides a list of such trades (e.g. fat-extractor, fat -glue maker, shop- or tallow- or tripe-boiler), all of which are likely to cause obnoxious fumes or smells, while other provision of the Act (as well as Local Government Act, s.235) enable local authorities to extend the scope of the legislation to other treads or business, subject to confirmation by the Secretary of State. The second method is to describe certain unacceptable states of affairs as statutory nuisances and to provide summary remedies for them. For instance, section 92 (1) of the Public Health Act 1936 described certain matters as 'statutory nuisances, if they were nuisances at common law, or were 'prejudicial to health' (described by s. 343(1) as 'injurious or likely to cause injury to health'). Run down or defective premises, whether an actionable nuisance or not, may come under statutory nuisance prejudicial to health; and the same qualification may apply to the keeping of animals and to accumulations or deposits, such as manure or refuse. The Clean Air Act 1956, section 16, also provided the emission of smoke might, in certain circumstance, be treated as a statutory nuisance for the purposes of the Public health Act 1936. The Environmental Protection Act 1990 was passed to consolidate much of this material and the current matters which amount to a statutory nuisance are to be found in section 79. Where a statutory nuisance has been committed, it will be usual for the local authority to serve abatement notice, which, if not complied with,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Do Children Benefit When Their Teacher Speaks Their Second Language Research Proposal

Do Children Benefit When Their Teacher Speaks Their Second Language - Research Proposal Example This report talks that biculturalism refers to a process wherein individuals learn to function in two distinct socio-cultural environments: their primary culture, and that of the dominant mainstream culture of the society in which they live. Setting these two worlds apart is their language. Language barriers not only hinder or slow down the learning process, it also inhibits the child’s socializing capabilities. There is a sense of alienation that sets in, inside the classroom that manifests in myriad ways, like aggression, extreme shyness and the eventual drop out situation. This essay makes a conclusion that teachers who understand and appreciate culturally different strengths and funds of knowledge are more likely to provide enriching and responsive learning environments that celebrate and capitalize on children’s cultural differences. As students themselves, most teachers were socialized in mainstream schools for at least 12 years and often attended teacher preparation programs grounded in the mainstream culture. Beginning the journey toward increased cultural competence requires teachers to rethink their assumptions and consider life’s issues through the lenses of people who come from cultural backgrounds different from their own. Teachers cannot hope to begin to understand who sits before them unless they can connect with the families and communities from which their children come. To do that it is vital that teachers and teacher educators explore their own beliefs and attitudes about non-white and non-middle-class people.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

United States Policy On China Essay Example for Free

United States Policy On China Essay The United States policy on China has a long history. In the Shanghai Communique, signed between the US and China in 1972, the United States of America acknowledged the People’s Republic of China assertion that, all Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Strait believe there is only one China, and that Taiwan is part of the mainland. Other Communiques have also been adopted by subsequent administrations to determine various policies for the United States, on the basis of the original one, signed in 1972 by President Richard Nixon. The US later shifted its diplomatic base from Taipei to Beijing in recognition of the Mainland. In Taiwan the United States has maintained vibrant unofficial contacts in commercial and cultural aspects. America’s ‘’unofficial’’ friendship with Taiwan has being a source of discomfort for mainland China over the years. It is sad to note that in 2005 Mainland China passed an anti-secession law stating; The People’s Republic of China will turn to non-peaceful avenues to tame Taiwan, if it declares self independence. The US has had to trade cautiously when it approaches China’s internal affairs. This diplomacy has often bore fruits and avoided facing head-on the root problems. The US taking hard stances on China and Taiwan affairs can certainly be counter-productive. Hence, the justification of its present position on the said matters as matters stands. Today, the main threat to the Security of the United States is from Terrorism. Other Global challenges, are to be found in Climate change and the proliferation of nuclear weapons. To suitably address these issues the United States must engage China, to jointly tackle these problems. Taiwan has historically been allied to the US. The Taiwan Relations Act in the US domestic law allows for ‘’unofficial’’ contacts to thrive between the two countries. This status quo has to be maintained, so as to protect the traditional interests of the United States of America, while observing the protocols of the various Communiques binding China and the US. The United States stands as the only superpower with an economy that has great influence globally. China on the other hand has the number with a population of over 1 billion people been the most populated nation. Its economy has also been steadily rising as many US firm outsource their operations to China, though many do so with the prime aim of maximizing profits and cutting down their operational costs. The Chinese economic growth has certainly been â€Å"food for thought† for the policy makers. And the US residents concerned about the â€Å"job loses† East Asia is a strategic trading partner for US Companies and products. A China policy has to defend the interests of these trading companies operating in this region, from Japan to Indonesia. East Asia’s security is threatened by North Korea developing nuclear weapons. This threat can be effectively contained with the co-operation of China. The US should advocate for a policy which will eventually unite the two Koreas. In exchange of the ultimate unification of China and Taiwan, the US may opt to root for One Korea which is free and democratic. The emerging liberal Korea will open up new markets for the existing US companies found in these regions. As the grave concerns of North Korea acquiring nuclear weapons been a major US concern. The US has often seen China in a better position to pile pressure on North Korea to abandon its quest for nuclear weapons, as the US seeks for a peaceful solution to avert the nuclear proliferation: currently threatening to tear the region apart. The end of the cold war ushered in new global rivalry between the US and China solely based on historical and economic mistrusts. Rapid industrialization of China has had a ripple effect on the economies in East Asia, which now look up to China as a partner and protector, a role which was previously a prerogative of the US. Repressive politics has managed to put a check on dissenting voices within China thus enabling the leadership to look beyond the borders and assert China’s regional hegemony. Japan, though an economic power house, embraces a culture of anti-militarism and has not been at par to counter the monstrous growth of neighboring China, despite their historical rivalry. As China increases its regional influence, her other aim is to unite with Taiwan. Their modern approach to achieve this pursuit is through Soft Power. In Political Science, Military and economic power is considered as Hard Power while other means of coercion to achieve political gains such as; Cultural norms, political ethics, Uniting Ideas and accommodating Foreign Policies are classified as Soft Power. China, through its Soft Power has managed to win the trust of many countries across the Globe. Recent research indicates that, China has surpassed the US as the most trusted country in the world. China’s domestic development and stability has made it a world power and is now bent on edging out the US from East Asian affairs. After the collapse of Communism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, it dawned on Chinese bureaucrats the need to consolidate power in the State. Previously an authoritative powerful State was considered a deterrent to economic growth. In China, power was centralized in the CCP. Later, the open door and reform policy led to a revolutionary change in the social-economic well-being of its citizens. The transformation of lifestyles has imbibed a sense of pride and confidence in the Chinese, breeding nationalism in the country. It is this renewed Nationalism which is a threat to the crisis in the Taiwan Strait, Chinese nationalists feel China should be forcibly united to Taiwan. Across Taiwan, political liberalization and economic empowerment has created a new Taiwanese identity. Political parties which advocate Taiwanese interests and consciousness fair better in National polls whereas parties which lean towards the Mainland are shunned. Majority in Taiwan favor the political situation to remain as it is. The rise of Nationalism in the Mainland has coincided with emergence of a Taiwanese identity. These two aspects are bound to repel any forces which aim to unite them and might even isolate the US bid to act as an intermediary. The US, recently concentrated its military might in fighting the Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan. The recent world economic crunch has also dented the military war chest of the US. In the Far East, North Korea’s acquisition of nuclear weapons has polarized the entire region. It is obvious The Japanese who looked upon the US as protector are starting to feel vulnerable. As China vows not to recognize the independence of Taiwan, it would be only appropriate to front for the remilitarization of Japan. This will eventually ease the burden on the US military in the Far East and contribute to peace and stability in the region. China and the United States can without doubt be argued to be the world’s two indomitable â€Å"super powers†. An idea has been mooted to establish CHIMERICA a G2 alliance to mediate on contentious world affairs. The two countries have however initiated the US-China strategic and Dialogue forum to tackle issues on global warming, humanitarian crisis and proliferation of nuclear weapons. Chinese authorities have adopted policies set to improve co-operation on both sides of the straits. China hopes to maintain a Status Quo in her favor; which simply means Taiwan will never be independent from the Mainland, especially taking into account its economic benefits. In 2010 the US proposed an arms sale to Taiwan which was vehemently opposed by mainland China. The US administration was to further antagonize Beijing when President Obama decided to host the Dalai Lama. The US today has its hands full in fighting terrorism at home and abroad. In the Far East, China’s increased economic might and international clout has tilted the power balance in her favor. A China Policy in tandem with the previous communiques will ease the existing security tensions in the Far East Region. The US has over time pursued a policy of close co-operation with a reformed and modernized China. This is to augur well with the over 48 Billion dollars worth of investments by US companies operating in China. The United States of America faces a formidable challenge as it tries to maintain hegemony in a region which has been transformed radically by an emerging economic power, China. Many US firms have often been accused of setting up tax heaven in China. These firms are viewed by those opposed to the whole idea of US firms outsourcing to China, as using US market to make huge profits and evading the responsibility of paying their fair share of national tax. This has forced the US lawmakers to devise ways and means to curb these loopholes, though its success rate is questionable. The Shanghai communique and others thereafter have managed to harmonize the relationship between the US and the People’s Republic of China. Each new US administration comes up with conflicting policies but which are based on the original communique, which advocates for one China. The signed documents are not binding and US interests, particularly in trade, are known to override these communiques. The above concerns raised have led policy makers on both sides of the equation to carefully assess their short and long-term policies towards each other. Some of the approaches that have been laid on the table for debate and implementation are:- Approach 1: Envision a crumbling China Most debates in America as concerns China policy tend to dwell on the emerging might of China, a big and threatening East Asian economic and military giant. Many others see a prosperous and cooperative Mainland China, which can is also be a ‘’Strategic partner’’ to the US. Rapid modernization may as well overwhelm the existing political structures in China to destabilize the country. At the moment, various provinces in the Mainland are agitating for self rule. An unstable Chinese State would reduce the government’s capabilities to contain serious vices in this vast country Industrialization in China has had its drawbacks as witnessed by the high pollution in urban areas. Stern laws are a deterrent to industries which pollute the environment. A weak, broken China will barely be able to enforce or control the resulting polluting culprits. A disintegrating China is a more serious threat to the US interests while a United China is a Strategic advantage. An American policy on China ought to advocate for a stable domestic China. As the worlds largest producers and consumers, China and the US should be in the forefront stemming global warming. To monitor levels of environmental degradation in a splintered China would be a nightmare. With a thriving and united mainland, the US can also count on Chinese support to disarm North Korea of its nuclear arsenal though peaceful negotiations. The prospects of a failing China are a disadvantage to the US trade interests in Eastern Asia, where numerous US multinationals have invested heavily. A China policy should support a strong Cohesive State; for floundering domestic China will deal a destabilizing blow externally. All the neighboring countries economies are dependant on China, a spill over effect of instability can be disastrous for the entire region. As China economy comes to par with the western world, improved lifestyles and access to information is bound to ferment discord as Citizens seek an outlet to flaunt their new wealth worldwide. A China policy should encourage cross cultural exchange between Citizens of the two States. An informed public will discard the deep rooted mistrusts of East verses West rivalries which are mostly myths. The success story of the Chinese economy would also boost the US tourism sectors as wealthy Chinese splash their wealth on US tours. Approach 2: Pursue ‘’One China’’ Dialogue In China the Taiwan issue is a matter close to the hearts of many. It is an emotional subject which can erupt negatively if not checked. The US has always been sympathetic towards Taiwan because of her liberalism and democratic ideals. This does not go down well with the Chinese who insist Taiwan is the 23rd province of the Mainland. To ease the tensions along the Taiwan Strait, China policy ought to lean on One Nation, which encompasses the Mainland and Taiwan. As mentioned before, the US can also bargain for a united China in exchange for ‘’One Korea’’ in the North. This will strategically secure North East Asia for the US as Japan is located in the neighborhood. The US should thereafter lobby for her trading concessions to be maintained. A sound and trusting relationship with China will eventually ensure world peace. Though some may feel that the US policy at times are viewed by many around the globe to be a bit forcefully, China’ s policy especially on foreign issues has been a bit laid back. Whereas, the US may favor sanction of countries that it considered a threat to its national security. China has not been in favor of those sanctions and may only favor them as a last result. When it comes to China’s internal affair especially on human rights issues, media freedom and democracy the Chinese have not taken lightly the US offshore comments on its internal affairs. It may seem that the standards of human rights issues are as far as the east is from the west when comparing china and the US. Across to the North East Japan’s economic muscle may eventually arouse Nationalism fronting for the re-armament of their country. After the testing of Nuclear weapons by North Korea, Japan must be feeling threatened. The emergence of new political players in Japan who profess aggressive military ideals can not be entirely ruled out. Historically a highly militarized Japan has been proved to be a global tyrant. It is whispered that ‘’ The Japanese have never learnt from their past military crimes’’, so they might as well be contained. Plus, given that Iran is also pursuing nuclear weapons and more nations are joining the nuclear club. Japan which has been traditionally enjoying military and economic superiority may be forced to rethink its policy. Though, China cannot be said to be a threat to Japan’s national security. The US has been advocating for nuclear non-proliferation and whether it will be able to convince the Chinese to reduce its nuclear stock pile is another hard rock to crack. The process of pursuing ‘’One China’’ Policy will maintain the Status Quo, China is known to prefer things to remain as they are, while plotting ways of controlling Taiwan. The US is a major supplier of arms to Taiwan and as things stand, the Status Quo serves well the profits of US multinationals. The rise of Taiwanese Identity has altered the mindsets in the Island, where majority now are against reunification with the Mainland and prefer the Status Quo remain. The split in the two China’s was fueled by Nationalists and Communists, as found in Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China respectively. It is highly probable that integrating the two will strengthen the renewed Nationalism in the Mainland. Political optimists believe China will eventually transform itself into a Democracy, though the process might take a while. With fast changing technology especially the fast growth of the internet China may find it hard to maintain its control of information freely flowing within its borders and would be forced to embrace democracy as viewed by the Americans. Some may argue that the US is playing double standards when it advocates for democracy whereas its own records are questionable. Especially, when Issues related to fighting terrorism are concerned. With some of the view in China and many other nations within the region feeling that the US policies should be toned down and they should bring more dialogue on the table. Approach 3: Engage Top-level Bureaucrats The US-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue initiative is an example of Top-level bureaucratic engagement. The US Secretary of State heads the team in this initiative while the Chinese delegation is led by the Deputy Premier. High level consultations between the two countries have in the past opened the way for China to join the World Trade Organization. Bi-lateral Summits by the Presidents of the two powers have in the past yielded reforming solutions to global issues. With almost two digit growth rate been recorded by China, one may project and see that China may soon overtake the US economy which is growing at a much lower rate than China. Comparing the two countries one may see that the national cake is more evenly distributed in America than China. Even though the wide gap between the poor and rich may at times benefits the US in the sense that they can outsource labor intensive projects at a relatively lower cost. Meetings between the Top leadership increase the level of Trust and diminish any hostile perceptions held. Apart from China, the US should play the role mediator in issues affecting the East Asia region. America’s policy in the region will determine the relations with China. US national interests in diplomacy, military and economics will only be well protected when top government executives engage directly with the leadership of this region. US standing among the Nations of East Asia will affect China’s views on issues. The US diplomats should push to strengthen existing alliances, while assessing the composition and capacity of stationed troops to fulfill their missions effectively. China should also be engaged so as to participate in regional issues such as counter terrorism, Disaster management and peacekeeping. To check on North Korea, Trilateral consultations with the Republic of Korea and Japan should be intensified. Further consultations with Beijing and Moscow needed to pressurize Pyongyang to cede developing nuclear weapons. Within the East Asia region, the US should support sound structural economic reforms in particular countries. This will provide the foundation for a sustainable economic growth in the 21st century. Aid ought to be granted to establish regional institutions which are comfortable with America’s involvement in East Asia affairs. Approach 4: Arms Trade On January of 2010, the US was closing a deal worth $6. 4 billion selling arms to Taiwan. Mainland China immediately threatened to impose restrictions on the US firms selling the arms. PRC later suspended consultations on certain regional and international issues. The US gesture (arms sale), was seen as a snub to the spirit of ‘’One China’’. However the US-Japan alliance is favorable to the interests of China. Japan, due to her bloody military past is viewed with suspicion in the region. The US has effectively put on check any Japanese military ambitions. China has in the past borne the brunt of Japan’s military might and is comfortable with US limiting her capabilities. Japan is a nation with great capability when it comes to acquisition of military superiority. It has not lately been in the arms race seen within the region, which has played very well with the Chinese. This can partially be attributed to the US check and balances on Japan. Though the whether the status quo remains is a thorny issue that would need to be addressed in future. Across Japan, North Korea is flexing her nuclear muscle from a tightly closed and controlled society. This scenario best presents the US with an opportunity to re-arm Japan on terms strictly dictated by the US. Thereafter this process will eventually offer US firms a lucrative avenue to invest in Japan’s, National Security industry. The level of militarization will however be in tandem with China and Russia’s aspirations, who can also act as mediators in the balancing of power along the Sea of Japan.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay -- Letter from Birmingham Jail Essay

Race. It is a word that is associated with many thoughts, words, and emotions. The color of peoples' skin is the first thing that is noticed. Throughout history people have judged and mistreated because they were of the wrong   race. A prime example of this is the racial tension between blacks and whites. The driving force behind this tension is the past. For many years blacks were mistreated and abused based solely on the color of the skin. In Martin Luther King J.R.'s "Letter from Birmingham   Jail", he uses references to the past and people of the past to strengthen his point. The actions in the past and present can affect the future.   Ã‚  Ã‚   In "Letter from Birmingham Jail", King uses references to Saints, philosophers of the past, and theologians to get into the minds of the clergymen to whom he is writing the letter. By using the words of white people of the past, King can use the clergyman's own beliefs to his benefit. He uses the quote, "sin is separation" (WoI pg. 158) to show that segregating people because of color is morally and religiously wrong.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Though King began ...

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Jet Blue Analysis Essay

Jet Blue is now a major U.S. airline that has established itself as a leading low-fare, low cost passenger airline by offering customers high quality customer service and a differentiated product according to Jet Blue 10-K/A pg . Their steps to achieve their goals in the market place are to stimulate demand with low fares. Jet Blue offers a wide variety of low fares that target those leisure travelers and business persons that would have sought out alternative travel options. They emphasize low operating costs. They are fully utilizing technology with incentivized and productive workforces. They excel at maintaining high aircraft utilization by operating a single aircraft type with a single class of service as described in the Jet Blue 10-K/A pg 2. Jet Blue offers point to point flights to underserved and/or overpriced large markets. There is a great deal of demand for these types of services, customers are looking for direct flights and a cheaper price, the additional benefit of Jet Blue travels is the accommodations provided. Customers have free access to DirectTV, larger leather seats, extra legroom compared to other airlines. Lastly, Jet Blue believes their long term success with be because of a how they differentiate their products and services. Jet Blue’s flying experience for customers is more of a pleasure rather than a burden or what sometimes feels like an obstacle getting from point A to point B. Jet Blue does not overbook their flights and they are proactive and honest about any delays especially related to weather. Jet Blue is an organization that primarily relies on operational excellence. Jet Blue does not offer a wide variety of products; they only have one type of aircraft with a single class of service (Jet Blue 10-K/A). They are very interested in customer feedback to continuously improve their services to stand out from the rest of the airlines. They truly take out the hassle in flying. Jet Blue does have its own business risks that may threaten the company’s ability to satisfy stockholder expectations. The airline industry in itself is an extremely competitive industry. There is competition in every city that has more financial resources and a more known brand name. Failure to successfully increase the frequency of flights in their current markets could harm their business. There is a new aircraft being introduced and failure to meet the obligation of ordering the minimum 100 aircraft plus an additional 100 aircrafts will harm the business. These new aircrafts have to be ready for servicing flight schedules they need to be properly financed and meet the necessary certifications. Jet Blue uses the following techniques that could help to reduce the risks of providing a return to their shareholders. Through marketing and distribution Jet Blue has created a customer loyalty program that will reward and recognize the most valuable customers. The people that are hired to work for Jet Blue are considered crewmembers; these crewmembers treat the passengers as they would want to be treated. Jet Blue passengers do not return just because of the low fares, the employees of Jet Blue provide high quality service that keeps people coming back. Jet Blue’s tiered pricing helps the ease of carrying fare that have higher fares with more restrictions Individual fares that are sold for the flights is an example of unit-level activities. These fares will help determine the profitability of a flight and determine their load factor and breakeven load figures. Another unit-level activity that could apply to an airline would be individual salaries of the employees for each flight. If a flight is not completely full, that will limit the number of employees needed to assist in the plane. These activities are monitored and evaluated for top efficiencies by offering low fares in high demand markets and by employing productive and incentive motivated employees. One example of batch-level activities would be fuel. The fuel is a cost per flight no matter how many passengers are aboard. Another example would be the total of aircraft owned and leased by the company. An airline will need to fully utilize all aircraft that is in working condition to collect revenue towards any rents and loans. If an airline owns 44 planes and only can book 40 of those planes for business, they are still paying on the full 44 planes, thus being a batch-level activity of the airline. Jet Blue has taken many steps to utilize the fuel purchased for use and the efficiency of booking their flights with a single service. There is a new aircraft that is replacing the current aircrafts that is equipped with larger leather seats, entertainment, and added comfort. Jet Blue is working tirelessly to make sure this aircraft is financed in the most efficient way as well as passing all certifications required for flying. As described by Noreen, Brewer, & Garrison (2011) a customer-level activity is one that includes sales calls, catalog mailings, and general technical support that is not related to any particular product (pg. 238). Jet Blue utilizes its customer-level activities through advertising and promotions through newspapers, magazines, television, radio and outdoor billboards and through targeted public relations and promotional efforts (Jet Blue 10-K/A). An organization-sustaining activity for Jet Blue would be regular maintenance of aircraft and buildings. An airline has plenty of behind the scenes support systems such as regular maintenance of their aircraft and the buildings that support the aircraft. References Jet Blue 10-K/A financial data Noreen, E. W., Brewer, P. C., & Garrison, R. H. (2011). Managerial Accounting for Managers (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

For or against racial profiling Essay Essay

Write an essay that presents your opinion on racial profiling. Begin with a debatable thesis statement. Then follow the guidelines for writing an argument essay. As you write your essay, be sure you support your opinions with reasons. ESSAY OUTLINE INTRODUCTION (5-7 sentences) 1. Hook (1-2 sentences) 2. Background information (3-4 sentences) 3. Thesis Statement (1-2 sentences) BODY PARAGRAPH 1 (REASON 1) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. One piece of evidence with citation 3. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 4. Second piece of evidence with citation 5. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 6. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) BODY PARAGRAPH 2 (REASON 2) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. One piece of evidence with citation 3. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 4. Second piece of evidence with citation 5. Commentary sentences (2-3 sentences) 6. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) BODY PARAGRAPH 3 (COUNTERARGUMENT AND REFUTATION) 1. Topic Sentence (1 sentence) 2. Opposing side’s argument evidence with citation 3. Refutation argument 1 (2-3 sentences) 4. Refutation 2 (2-3 sentences) 5. Transition/ Closing Sentence (1 sentence) CONCLUSION (5-7 sentences) 1. Restate your thesis statement 2. Sum up your two arguments 3. Ask â€Å"so what?† questions (2-3 sentences) BRAINSTORM ARGUMENTS Arguments for racial profiling Arguments against racial profiling *In persuasion, we use the term arguments to mean reasons. Which arguments do you find most persuasive? Which side will you argue in your essay? I will argue that __________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. My 2 arguments will be (choose 2 from the table above): The best argument for the opposing side is ___________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________. Thesis Statement (main idea of my essay): __________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. FINDING EVIDENCE Now that you have your thesis statement and your arguments laid out, you need to find evidence to support those arguments. EVIDENCE CAN INCLUDE: Facts from your sources (newspaper articles, USDA website) Statistics Quotes from experts like spokespeople for companies, university professors, scientists who study nutrition, and experts on psychology or advertising Personal experiences or observations Go through your articles in the racial profiling packet and put an arrow next to any evidence you may plan to use for your two main arguments and your argument for the opposing side. Write the number of the body paragraph (1,2,3) next the evidence you plan to use in your essay. TWO SAMPLE MLA IN-TEXT CITATIONS 1. Introduce the source and author In â€Å"If You Pitch It, They Will Eat† Davis Barboza argues, â€Å"Television, of course, remains the most powerful medium for selling to children† (39). 2. Put whole citation after the quote (author and page number) The article says, â€Å"Television, of course, remains the most powerful medium for selling to children† (Barboza 39). Never ever write (pg. 39)!!!!! MLA NEWSPAPER CITATION A works cited page always puts the sources in alphabetical order by the author’s last name and is double-spaced. FORMAT Author’s last name, first name. â€Å" Title of the article †. Newspaper publisher. Day month year of publication, Pages. SAMPLE CITATION Barboza, David. â€Å"If You Pitch It, They Will Eat†. The New York Times. 3 Aug. 2003, 37-41. RACIAL PROFILING ESSAY: BODY PARAGRAPH 1 OUTLINE TOPIC SENTENCE EVIDENCE/QUOTE 1 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) EVIDENCE/QUOTE 2 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE RACIAL PROFILING ESSAY: BODY PARAGRAPH 2 OUTLINE TOPIC SENTENCE EVIDENCE/QUOTE 1 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) EVIDENCE/QUOTE 2 with source (â€Å"article title† and author) COMMENTARY (Why is this evidence important? How does it relate to the thesis?) TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE BODY PARAGRAPH 3 COUNTERARGUMENT AND REFUTATION The topic sentence for body paragraph 3 will be the opposing side’s argument and will include one piece of evidence to support their claim (the opposite of your thesis). For your two refutations you will explain why the opposing side is wrong. Use two pieces of evidence to support your argument. TOPIC SENTENCE (OPPOSING SIDE’S ARGUMENT) OPPOSING EVIDENCE/QUOTE REFUTATION 1 EVIDENCE REFUTATION 2 EVIDENCE TRANSITION/ CLOSING SENTENCE

Friday, November 8, 2019

As I sat down and read Keats

As I sat down and read Keats "Ode on a Grecian Urn" and Tennyson's "The Lady of Shalott" I was very intrigued on how much more difficult it really is to attempt to define what I think the author is really trying to portray in his writing. I find it difficult to gain a mental picture of the authors ideas because I keep seeing something else, not what the author really meant to portray. I will start off this paper with Keats's "Ode on a Grecian Urn." The first stanza in this poem seems like he is talking to an urn that is sitting on a shelf or over a fireplace. He seem to be asking it questions. In this example Keats states "What leaf-fringed legend haunts about thy shape Of deities or mortals, or of both, In Tempe or the dales of Arcady? As I read this line in the poem, it seems that Keats is talking to this urn and asking it what kind of things or the meaning behind all the carvings on the urn. He is asking the urn what legend haunts this urn is it deities or mortals, or could it be both. He is looking for answers to the questions he has about this urn. In the second stanza I get the idea that he is hearing something or trying to listen for something, maybe he is waiting for the urn to speak back to him or even give him a sign. I an getting two kinds of hearing in this stanza, one is the urn hearing sounds of the non world and two human hearing real world hearing. He starts the second stanza by saying "Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard Are sweeter; therefore, ye soft pipes, play on. Here he is stating that there are soft pipes playing sweet music on the urn but we cannot hear what is being played, this is why he says heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are sweeter. This is where we get the idea of the supernatural and the hearing of the non-world. Again he says "Not to the sensual ear, but, more endeared, Pipe to the spirit ditties of no tone:" Here he is just painting another picture of the non-w...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Plural Forms of English Nouns

Plural Forms of English Nouns Have you ever tried explaining to a child why two feet arent foots, or two mice arent mouses? Of course, the grownup response to such questions is, Thats just the way it is. As youngsters, we learned that most nouns in English change from singular to plural with the addition of -s or -es. But regardless of our age, its the few hundred exceptions that can be perplexing. Rule-breakers: mass nounssuch as mud, music, and peacewhich have no plural because they name things that cant readily be countednouns that show up only in the plural (called pluralia tantum)scissors, jeans, and congratulations, for examplea few nouns, like ox and child, that still rely on the Old English plural marker, -ena few other nouns (foot, mouse) that form the plural by changing a voweland several borrowed nouns that hold on to their foreign plural endingssuch as Latin alumni (or alumnae) and Greek criteria To illustrate some of these eccentric plural forms, here are two versions of an amusing little verse by our favorite poet, Author(s) Unknown. The English Lesson (version one) Well begin with a box, and the plural is boxes;But the plural of ox should be oxen not oxes.One fowl is a goose, but two are called geese,Yet the plural of moose should never be meese.You may find a lone mouse or a nest full of mice,But the plural of house is houses, not hice.If the plural of man is always called men,Why shouldnt the plural of pan be called pen?If I spoke of my foot and showed you my feet,When I give you a boot, would a pair be called beet?If one is a tooth and a whole set are teeth,Why shouldnt the plural of booth be called beeth?If the singular is this, and the plural is these,Why shouldnt the plural of kiss be kese?Then one may be that, and three would be those,Yet the plural of hat would never be hose.We speak of a brother and also of brethren,But though we say mother, we never say methren.So plurals in English, I think youll agree,Are indeed very trickysingularly. The English Lesson (version two) Now if mouse in the plural should be, and is, mice,Then house in the plural, of course, should be hice,And grouse should be grice and spouse should be spiceAnd by the same token should blouse become blice.And consider the goose with its plural of geese;Then a double caboose should be called a cabeese,And noose should be neese and moose should be meeseAnd if mamas papoose should be twins, its papeese.Then if one thing is that, while some more is called those,Then more than one hat, I assume, would be hose,And gnat would be gnose and pat would be pose,And likewise the plural of rat would be rose.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Radiotherapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Radiotherapy - Essay Example is an integral part of the process of treatment, and must take into account the combined effects of these other therapies, as well as the effects of radiotherapy. Understanding the complex organisational and unique interprofessional context of radiotherapy care is essential. Discussion: According to Gronefeld; Cornuelle (1998:p.xxiv), there are several criteria in the Radiographer’s code of ethics, and in the statements of professional conduct developed by the College of Radiographers. These statements have made a deep impact on the radiographer’s attitude and behaviour in the fulfilment of his work; and in the guidance adopted from these important principles, in the clinical departments. We have noticed physicians, technologists, nurses, aids and others in the health care team, treating and caring for patients, and some of them â€Å"merely go through the motions† (p.1). Yet there are some members in the health care team that â€Å"go the extra mile† for their patients. They are the true professionals who try to understand and address the patient’s concerns and anxieties, they make pleasant conversation with the patient as they go about doing their work, and they treat each patient with the dignity and respect that they deserve. Health care workers who do their duty, staying focused on the patient’s work as their main priority, and do not get distracted by others, are also behaving as professionals, true to the Statement of Professional Conduct that is used as the guidance for behaviour and conduct. worker appraoaches the patient, addressing them by their name, speaks in a well-modulated voice, and attends to the patient, giving them her full attention. This is also professionalism of a good standard. If one of the newly appointed , freshly graduated radiolographers hired by the radiology department has an attitude of trying to intimidate and demean his co-workers, he will be avoided by all the other health care workers. The other radiographer is seen

Friday, November 1, 2019

McDonald's in the McSpotlight Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

McDonald's in the McSpotlight - Case Study Example This can clearly be understood from the figure provided below (Botticell, Pucevich, Scriptunas, & Thurston, 1999). In the case of McDonalds, the company could have clearly reduced the performance expectation gap by avoiding the case and could have worked a way out with Morris and Steel by negotiating for an out of court settlement. This would have saved the company a whole lot of time and would have also ensured that the company and the stakeholders are not affected by the trial (Hartman & DesJardins, 2007). The trial for the company has been one of the longest and most expensive trials and this could have been easily avoided if the company used good negotiation techniques. Also, if McDonalds had implemented a stronger argument at the start of the case rather than allowing a slack in the performance, then the company would have been able to save up on time and also would have saved a lot of costs as well. The public issues life cycle consists of four main steps, a) changing stakeholder expectations, b) political action, c) formal government action, and d) legal implementation (Botticell, Pucevich, Scriptunas, & Thurston, 1999). With the start of the public issues life cycle the company was faced with a concern that was building regarding the healthiness of the food that the company served. The leaflets acted as the drivers of the issues and this brought out the problems into public. Also, the website that Steel and Morris had developed as a protest against the company also added to the driver and led the company to be faced with higher levels of problems with the stakeholders. As an executive of McDonalds, I would personally recruit and develop a team which would consist of people with excellent negotiation skills. Also, an attempt will be made to include people with a strong financial expertise and a law expertise. The staff of this team, irrespective of their expertise, should